ARGALI Hunting


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THE HUNTING SEASON: from 15 th August till 1st of December THE HUNTING DATES: Available on request The usual programme:

  • 1st day – Arrival to Istanbul; departure from Istanbul to Bishkek usually late afternoon
  • 2nd day – Arrival to Bishkek usually early morning, transfer to the hunting camps or lodging in Bishkek
  • From the 3rd day – Hunting days according to the firm reservation, minimum 6 full days. You may bag the trophy earlier or later than the date stipulated in the reservation, so the stay in the hunting camp can be prolonged or shortened accordingly.
  • After the end of the hunt transfer to Bishkek, accommodation and stay in the town in case of interest
  • Departure from Bishkek through Istanbul early morning

TRANSFERS: We suggest the connection TURKISH AIRLINES with departure from Vienna trough Istanbul to Bishkek at approx. 600 € depending on occupancy. The journey continues by car from Bishkek to the base camp and lasts approx. 10 to 14 hours. NUMBER OF HUNTERS IN A HUNTING CAMPS: Usually 2 – 3 THE REGION: Naryn region near the Chinese border THE TOUR DURATION: Usually 6 – 8 full hunting days ACCOMMODATION AND MEALS: The base camps, where the hunters are accommodated in hunting lodges or trailers, are the starting point. They are equipped with electric generator and sauna; the meals are substantial and of high quality. The hunt takes place riding on horses and sometimes it is necessary to stay one night or more in provisional camps; therefore, you need to be equipped with a quality sleeping bagWEATHER AND EQUIPMENT: In fall and winter time, the daytime temperatures range from – 10 C to + 5 °C, night temperatures fall to – 5 and even to – 25 °C. The sun is shining during the day and the cold is not felt; heated lodges provide accommodation during the night. Changes of temperatures are frequent all through alpine hunting; consequently, it is necessary to be equipped with warm and waterproof clothing, quality alpine boots / Gore Tex / are advisable, white camouflage trousers, high sun protection factor – lotion, a protecting lip balm, sunglasses, and in case of an overnight stay out of the base camp, the above mentioned sleeping bag. Good rucksack, combined folding shooting stick usable for stalking or bipods as well, and an unbreakable thermos flask will be useful, too. When hunting for ibex and argali, you will frequently be required to shoot long distances, e.g. 200 – 450m; thus, we suggest taking high-performance calibres, as for instance 7mm Rem. Magnum, 8 x 68, 300 Win Mag, 300 WSM, 300 Weatherby Mag. and other similar powerful calibres with flat ballistic trajectory and riflescopes with high zoom magnification, e.g. 10 x and over. Light binoculars with high zoom magnification, e.g. 10 x 42, and similar ones are perfect for contemplation. A spotting scope is a very useful optical tool, and a rangefinder must not be missing in one’s equipment. On request, all these tools or equipments can be supplied by our agency at special prices. IBEX : Capra sibirica alaina- Central Asian ibex is hunted by combination of stalking, driven hunting in fascinating Tian Shan Mountains at 3000 – 4500 m above sea level. In case of driving, the 1 or 2 beaters drive the herds into open fields and the hunter or hunters are waiting at time-tested fixed points. Horses are used for transportation, and thus the physical demands of hunting are lower. The success rate of hunts is almost 100 %; it often happens that one hunter manages to harvest even 2 or 3 ibexes. The organiser guarantees that every hunter will have the chance to bag at least one ibex trophy. If the hunter does not have the chance to bag any ibex, i.e. he cannot fire at the game, the organiser commits himself to return the trophy fee / conditions see below / immediately after the hunting. In this area, the hunters can count on harvesting an ibex with a trophy length of 90 – 110 cm. If you are fit and can shoot straight and good fortune helps a little, even stronger trophies / up to 120- 125 cm / are not an unrealistic expectation. MARCO POLO /Ovis ammon karelini / or ARGALI can be hunted only if there are available licenses. Only appr. 50-70 licenses are issued yearly for the whole country, so early booking is necessary ! Rams with a horn length of 45 to 53 inches / appr. 115-135 cm/ can fairly be expected. If the hunter is fit and can shoot straight the success rate is 100%. The basic price includes all the services offered when hunting for ibex. We would like to underline that serious outfitters/hunting consultants are not giving any trophy size guaranties because:

  • It is a free range hunt in huge, vast territory where the animals are migrating depending on food sources and predator/ wolves activity
  • Trophy size is a subject of personal evaluation, that depends on many factors: range, weather, hunting fever of client, guide.

Therefore we strongly recommend to keep in your mind the basic rule / same as by wounding /: It is always YOU who decide whether to shoot or not and you must realise all are the options that can happen after your shot. WOLF is hunted by accidental meeting. The shooting fee is 1 200 USD. Nowadays, wolf trophy importation to the EU is allowed. If the hunter is not interested to take the trophy the shooting fee is only 500 USD. FIREARM AND AMMUNITION EXPORT AND IMPORT: The firearm has to be packed in a special suitcase; we recommend a hard-shell one to prevent any damage to the firearm. Ammunition cannot be packed in the hand luggage; pack it in a locked container/baggage with clothing that will be carried in the plane’s baggage compartment. We suggest taking approx. 40 pieces of cartridges. Please, remember that the checked baggage cannot exceed 25 kg and the hand luggage appr.7-8 kg (valuable objects, camera, cine-camera, etc.). Do not forget to take your firearm license along with you. Upon arrival, departure your weapon and ammunition have to be declared at the destination airport; the hunting organiser will sort out this. HEALTH: Kyrgyzstan is a country with a healthy climate. No obligatory inoculation is necessary; nevertheless, we advise you to undergo inoculation against hepatitis and tetanus. Please, consult your health practioner, since a stay at an altitude of 3 000 – 4 000 above sea level may trigger health inconveniences to some individuals. It’s in your interest to take out major medical expense insurance abroad. Don’t forget to pack in your medicaments you are taking regularly or basic medication for common health problems, e.g. cold, constipation, diarrhoea, and headache. Sleeping pills / because of jet-leg, high altitude / are also strongly recommended. The base camps are equipped with all the essential tools to provide first aid. TROPHY EXPORT AND IMPORT: The trophies will be exported appr. 3 months after the hunt, dip and packed / skulls bleached, skins salted /. The organiser will arrange all the export and veterinary permits and will arrange also the import process. Please note: by the newest regulation of EU for import the argali and wolf trophies an import CITES permit is requested. The import permit is issued in receiving country upon export permit /issued by Kirgiz authorities / and usually takes up to 60 days to issue it. Therefor the trophies of argali and wolves can be sent only after receiving the import permit. So these trophies are sent by also by cargo. THE BASIC PRICE OF ARGALI HUNTING: 1 Hunter: 26 000 EUR 2 And more hunters : 25 000 EUR /person Non-hunting guest: 1 500 EUR/ trip If there is no chance to take or wound any argali /an extreme case, which never happened yet/, i.e. the hunter does not even fire at the game, 15 000 EUR will be returned to the hunter. We would like to underline that such extreme case never happened yet, our success rate over the past 10 years is 100%. Our guides always make pre-scouting and therefore usually we get a good ram within 3-4 days. Wounded and lost game is considered as shot. The price includes

  • 1 Argali without limits on trophy quality
  • Accommodation and meals in the hunting ground during 8 hunting days
  • Professional hunting guide
  • Transfer to/from the hunting ground
  • Field preparation of the trophies
  • Translator per group

The price does not include:

    • Airplane ticket to/from Bishkek
    • VIP service at the airport / arranging the gun import, trophy export /- $ 100 per person/per case / that means 100 USD by arrival, 100 USD by departure / Pls note: this service is not obligatory, but strongly recommended as it makes your arrival/departure more comfortable
    • 2nd or 3rd ibex appr. 3 000 EUR – exact price and availability of licenses – on request
    • Wolf 1 200 EUR
    • Accommodation and meals outside the hunting ground / hotel in Biskek, double room appr. 80-100EUR per night /, alcoholic beverages
    • Additional hunting days – approx. 300 EUR per day per person / exact price on request /
    • Unscheduled /earlier or later / departure from camp to Biskek 300 EUR/car
    • Gun rental on request 300 EUR per stay + costs of ammunition / appr. 4EUR per pc. /
    • Baggage overweight of flight company / appr. 16 EUR/kg by Turkish Airlines/
    • dip/pack, veter. and export documents, packing, shipping by real costs, appr: a./ argali 800E/pc. b./argali and ibex 850EUR
    • trophy import fee, veter. clearance in the country of destination appr. 250 EUR/person
    • booking fee 150 EUR per person

– booking fee 150 EUR per person Special arrangement on request As explained above the normal, expected trophy quality is between 115- 135 cm. But if the client/s especially request to focus on guaranteed big trophies /means more than 125 cm / we can arrange the trip to most remote part of concession, where such trophies are more common. Such hunts request special arrangement and therefore if argali with trophy with more than 125 cm /average length of both horns / is bagged an extra fee is charged like this:

      • Trophy length more than 125 cm + 2 000 EUR
      • Trophy length more than 135 cm + 4 000 EUR

HUNTING FOR ARGALI Upon reservation a deposit of 5 000 EUR and 150 EUR booking fee are payable. Another deposit of 5 000 EUR has to be paid 6 months prior to the hunting commencement date. In the event the given deposit is not paid, the deposit paid up to that moment (5 000 EUR and 150 EUR) will be forfeited in favour of the outfitter. All the additional costs and shooting fees have to be paid in full in the form of a deposit upon arrival in Bishkek. In case you cannot start your hunting tour, we recommend you to take out a cancellation insurance that will provide cover against cancellation fees. If you cannot start your hunting tour and you inform us in due time, our agency will endeavour to find you an alternative date; however, this cannot be guaranteed, since e.g. we may be fully booked, etc. As long as we cannot arrange for an alternative date, you can send a substitute in your place; nevertheless, the client must draw our attention the given change at the latest 60 days prior to the hunting commencement so that we could arrange for all the necessary formalities as, for instance, the airplane ticket booking and suchlike for the substitute. By signing the contract, the client confirms that he has taken over the present terms and conditions of hunting in Kyrgyzstan and commits himself to respect them.



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